
Nominations for 2014 are closed.

Please provide your name, email address and business or organisation name. You must enter a valid email address as we’ll send you a verification email in order to confirm your nominations. Thank you.


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You can jump to the categories you're interested in:

Facebook Page for a Business (Agency Run) Facebook Page for Non profit/organisation Facebook Page for a Business (owner managed) Integrated Facebook Campaign: Page, App & Ads Best Business Twitter account - marketing, sales Best Business Twitter account - Support, CRM Best Blog of an SME Video/Video Campaign (non broadcast) Online PR Campaign Use of Social Media by State Body Best Mobile App Customer Care using Social Media (Integrated) Best use of SM for a sponsorship campaign Innovative Use of Social Media Social Media Effectiveness - conversions, metrics etc Integrated Social Media Campaign Best Business/Org Twitter Campaign Social Media Only Campaign Best Mobile App (For an event) Mobile Campaign Using Social Media Experimental Format Campaign Use of Social Media by an SME

Facebook Page for a Business (Agency Run)

If you own and run your Facebook Page, see the category below. For your this category nomination we need the following:


Facebook Page for Non profit/organisation

This is for NGOs/Non Profit entities. Not for limited companies! For this category nomination we need the following:


Facebook Page for a Business (owner managed)

This is the category for those that run their own Facebook Page and it is not for NGOs/Organisations, see the NGO category for that.


Integrated Facebook Campaign: Page, App & Ads

You must have 2 out of 3 to enter this category: Created an app, have a page, run an ad campaign for the page.

For your Facebook Nomination we need the following:


Best Business Twitter account – marketing, sales

This is use of a Twitter account for Marketing and Sales purposes. There is another category for CRM/Support. Choose categories wisely.


Best Business Twitter account – Support, CRM

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This is use of a Twitter account for Support/CRM purposes. There is another category for Sales and Marketing. Choose your categories wisely.


Best Blog of an SME

Sponsored by .ME Registry

Please note this must be the blog of a registered fulltime SME


Video/Video Campaign (non broadcast)

This category is for a video or video campaign for a business or organisation and is a video that is not made for or has been broadcast on TV or in the cinema.


Online PR Campaign

This is for Online PR Campaigns. Campaigns specifically targeted for Online. An offline
campaign that gets mentioned online on newspaper websites is therefore not valid.


Use of Social Media by State Body

You must be an Irish Government/State body to be nominated in this category


Best Mobile App

(If this is a premium app we will require a code to install and test the app)
A mobile app used to market/promote a product, service, event. The app needs to have been created after March 2013 or updated since March 2014.


Customer Care using Social Media (Integrated)

How do you as a business/org deal with customer support/customer care issues with social media? This is for companies/orgs that have a defined customer care plan/policy in place for Social Media.


Best use of SM for a sponsorship campaign

For your sponsorship campaign, how are you using social media to enhance it or bring it to a new audience?


Innovative Use of Social Media

Sure we all have a blog and a Facebook and Twitter. What makes your use of Social
Media innovative? How does it pop out from an endless stream of “viral” videos and selfies?


Social Media Effectiveness – conversions, metrics etc

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This is the one where ALL the numbers count. Here we want you to directly tell us the metrics of your social media and why you think this is worthy of being named the best in the category.


Integrated Social Media Campaign

We hope we don’t need to explain to you what an integrated social media campaign is.


Best Business/Org Twitter Campaign

Use of Twitter for a specific campaign for a business or organisation run anytime between March 2013 and March 2014


Social Media Only Campaign

For those that have run a Social Media Only campaign. No backup from radio, print, TV, not attached to another campaign


Best Mobile App (For an event)

(If this is a premium app we will require a code to install and test the app)
A mobile app used to market/promote an event. The app needs to have been created after March 2013 or significantly updated since March 2013.


Mobile Campaign Using Social Media

Mobile Campaign Using Social Media.
This category is for campaigns that are mobile first in nature. A campaign that uses social but your audience in social are those on mobile devices. This campaign needs to have happened anytime from May 2013 to March 2014

(This is not the category to talk about your app)


Experimental Format Campaign

This is the category that could end up being the most fun to show stuff off or an absolute disaster with every hare-brained scheme and Hail-Mary pass dumped in here. Actually that’s fine. Do it.

This is the space where you can show off your Instagram/Instagram video campaign, Vine campaign, Snapchat campaign or Google+ campaign (sorry guys)


Use of Social Media by an SME

Use of Social Media by an SME. SME’s only. This category is for overall use of social media by Irish SMEs.